Distinguished Service Plaque

The Distinguished Service Plaque may be presented to a Fellow of the Academy in appreciation for loyal and dedicated service to the Academy.
Elmer S. Best Award

Dr. Karyn Stockwell presenting to Dr. John O’KeefeThe Elmer S. Best Memorial Award, named in memory of the founder of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, was established by the Board of Trustees in 1962. It is awarded when the occasion is deemed proper by the Board and to no more than one recipient in any year. Recipients must be members of the dental profession from outside the United States who have made distinguished contributions of international significance to dentistry. This award is presented at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the recipient and the presenter.
Honorary Fellowship

A candidate for an Honorary Fellowship in this Academy will be an individual who has made a valuable contribution to the advancement of the Art and Science of Dentistry or to the Academy. May be given to more than one individual each year anywhere in the world. Non-dentists are also eligible.
Dental Trade and Industry Recognition Award

The Dental Trade and Industry Award of Recognition may be presented to honor an outstanding leader in the field for contributions to dentistry and the community. Only one plaque per year will be awarded. The recipient must be nominated by the awards committee and have the approval of the Board of Trustees. The President will present the plaque at the PFA Annual Awards Luncheon.
Certificate of Merit

The Pierre Fauchard Academy Certificate of Merit may be presented by any international section to more than one candidate each year in recognition of a worthy effort on behalf the profession or the Academy. International sections only.
Past Chair Awards

This award is given to our past Canadian section chairs.