
Our mission as Fellows in the Pierre Fauchard Academy is to recognize and grow leaders in the dental profession, their communities and society.We accomplish this by consistently focusing on professionalism, integrity, and ethics worldwide, by our own conduct as worthy role models, by the advancement of dentistry to the highest level, by supporting and honoring colleagues for their distinguished work, research, contributions, and public service, and by providing excellence in programs, education, and leadership in oral health care.

Fellowship in the Academy is by nomination and is designed to honor past accomplishments in field of dentistry and encourage future productivity. Professional leaders select fellows based on contributions to dental literature, service to the profession of dentistry, and service to the general community, thereby bringing credit to dentistry, are among the criteria sought in recruiting new members. The Academy has its own publication program with Dental World and Dental Abstracts, and has always encouraged its fellow members to contribute to dental education and dental literature. Through its Foundation, it offers financial support to various dental projects that increase access to care for underserved populations and scholarships to dental students.



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