2024 Charity Recipients

The Canadian Section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy was pleased to donate $5,000 to the Fondation de l’ODQ charity

The Canadian Section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy was pleased to donate $12,500 to the UBC-BCDA Save a Smile Public Outreach Program
2023 Charity Recipient

The Canadian Section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy was pleased to donate $10, 000 to the Alberta Dental Foundation. The Alberta Dental Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to improving access to dental care for underserved and low-income Albertans. Accepting the donation were New Fellows Patricia Allewell and Jenny Doerksen
September 13, 2019
Presentation of $10,000 cheque to the Saskatchewan Dental Fund.
The Saskatchewan Dental Fund aims to improve access to dental care among the most vulnerable section of the Saskatchewan population

May 26, 2019
Dr Barry Dolman, Chairman PFA Canada presented a $10,000 cheque to Dr. Tessier, the president of the Foundation de L’Ordre des dentists du Quebec. The Foundation aims to improve access to dental care among the most vulnerable sections of the Quebec population by supporting preventative, curative care and applied research projects. It also recognizes the contribution of any individual or organization that assists in this work.

August 24, 2018
Dr. Barry Dolman, our Canadian PFA chairman was called upon to present this year’s charity, “The Gerry Barrett Fund”. Representing the charity was its President, John Robinson. Mr. Robinson spoke about the charity. This Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 by the Dental Association of PEI and transferred to the CFPEI in 2010. The fund was created in honour of Dr. Gerry Barrett, an esteemed long-time Island dentist. The award is granted to an Island student enrolled in a Dentistry program at Dalhousie University. A second component to the fund is a Field of Interest Fund that provides a grant to a charity that offers services and programs to benefit dental patients in financial need. PFA Canada presented a $10,000 check to this most worthy cause.

Drs. Roach, Dolman. John Robinson. Dr. Dushkin
May 5, 2017
PFA Canada presented a $10,000 check to “The About Face Craniofacial Family Society”. Representing the charity was its vice chair, Dr. John O’Keefe and its executive director, Mrs. Anna Pileggi

March 18, 2016
Dr. Zaparinuk, along with Dr. Barry Dolman, our PFA Canada chair and Dr. Jerry Dushkin, PFA Canadian Trustee, presented a check for $5000 from PFA Canada to the UBC-BCDA Save a Smile Public Outreach Program, represented by Dr. Angelique Leung

August 28, 2015
Dr. Dean introduced Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Gillies from the Canadian International Dental Federation, who spoke about the excellent charitable work performed by that group. Dr. Dean then presented a check for $5000 from PFA Canada to the CIDF.

May 24, 2015
Foundation presented a cheque for $10,000 to Dr. Pierre Tessier, representing the foundation of the Quebec Order of Dentists, to support its “Bouche B” initiative.